Client Need:
A regional company specializing in residential and commercial title insurance and closings wanted to provide its mortgage broker customers and prospects with qualified mortgage leads as a value added service. Not having tested this solution prior, the company could not project their customers' particular list needs; therefore, they required a flexible solution for designing and fulfilling lead lists.
The client was presented with ListSource. Title organizations nationwide use ListSource as an online lead list acquisition platform for their clients (mortgage brokers, agents, etc.). ListSource enables the tile company to produce customized and targeted searches for their broker customers. Using this online tool, the company queries qualified prospects via geography and mortgage information. The customer service department in the title company often saves the search then provides counts, search criteria and sample data to their customers prior to purchase. Once the client approves the criteria, the customer service representative goes into the saved search and exports the list in a variety of formats conducive for direct marketing.
The title company immediately noticed an increase in activity from current customers using this service. In addition, because of this marketing service, the title organization was able to secure a new business relationship with a large prospective broker who was long on their target list. This client has reported a 7% increase in business related to this program.